Contact Alison/Events/Links
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU CONTACT ME: I am NOT the American Alison Weir, founder of the organisation 'If Americans Knew' and the author of 'Against Our Better Judgement'. Unbelievably, I'm still getting emails - some of them threatening - from people who just ignore what it says here and assume that I'm her. Please be aware, before you contact me, that I am a British historian and have nothing to do with Middle-Eastern politics.

Professional email contact:
For all media requests, please use my landline. I use my mobile only when travelling.
Please read before contacting me:
It is always a huge pleasure to receive emails and letters because I love engaging with readers. I try to respond to everyone, but because of my busy writing schedule, I regret that I am unable to reply at length, as I would wish, to each kind person who writes to say how much they have enjoyed my books or asks me a question. I do very much appreciate your encouraging words, and I am always touched whenever someone takes the trouble to write to me. I assure you that your comments are always read and digested.
I regret that I cannot respond to requests for assistance with private research, school, college or university projects, advice on getting published, study, careers within the historical field, CVs or finding work experience placements, or the reading of unsolicited texts.
If you would like a review copy of my latest book, please contact my publishers (see below).
I no longer give jacket quotes for books unless I myself invite them.
Contact me through my Literary Agent:
Julian Alexander,
The Soho Agency Ltd,
2nd Floor,
16-17 Wardour Mews,
London W1F 8AT
Contact me through my Publishers:
Jonathan Cape (non-fiction) or Hutchinson (fiction 2006-14)
Penguin Random House,
20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
London, SW1V 2SA.
Headline Publishing Group (forthcoming fiction from 2015)
Carmelite House,
50 Victoria Embankment
EC4Y 0DZ338
0203 122 7222
Ballantine Books,
Penguin Random House,
1745 Broadway,
New York, NY 10019
(001) 212-572-2284
You can read more about my Six Tudor Queens series and a lot of other fascinating historical topics at
I have done over 1070 events at numerous historical sites, festivals, museums, art galleries, festivals, bookstores, libraries, organisations and charities in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Canada. I regret that, with such a busy programme of events, I no longer give talks to schools.
If you would like to book me for an event, please contact me at for an information sheet, booking form and list of talks, or contact my publishers.
All contact details shown on this website are there at the request, or with the approval, of the persons or organisations concerned, for information or promotional purposes. I do not display any person’s data for longer than necessary or move any person’s data electronically to another business. Any interested person has the right to access any information I hold (in emails, for example) of their dealings with me, and the right to rectify any inaccurate information. If any person asks me to delete their data, or objects to it being used by me, I will delete or remove it. Please send all requests to, or call or speak to me in person.